
Money Affirmations - Examples and Guide

Money affirmations are probably the most popular positive affirmations there are. Everyone wants to know how to make more money. The interesting thing with affirmations is that you need to know how to practice them effectively, before you can start seeing any real results.

Ninety percent of people who use affirmations have no idea how to really use them, but it is really simple process once you practice it correctly for a while.

How to use affirmations for money:

Here is a five step guide that you can use to work on your affirmations

Step 1: there is a reason why you are not earning the amount of money you want. To figure out what money affirmations will suite you best, I advise first to make a list of all the financial things that bother you. To know where you are going, you have to understand where you are right now, it is the only way to see your progress as you go along.

Step 2: Once you have your negative list, take every sentence and next to it write the positive opposite. If you wrote something like "I never have enough money to pay my bills" the positive opposite will look something like "I enjoy knowing all my bills are paid in time every month". Once finished cross the negative sentences and let them go mentally. That is how I create my money affirmations

Step 3: Choose the three most compelling money affirmations you want to start working on. These will be your friends for the next month.

Step 4 Clear out one hour every day for the purpose of practicing you positive sentences. It also helps to do it at the same hour every day because it creates consistency and that is very important in any self help method.

Step 5: Read the first money affirmation to yourself. Try to imagine how it feels to already have what is written, really focus and give it everything you have and after ten minutes move on to the next sentence. Do this process with all three of your positive thinking sentences and once finished, let it go and get on with the rest of your day.

This method has helped me through the years to achieve many of my financial and life goals.

Examples of Money affirmations:

Please note that there is nothing better than writing your own affirmations. This list is only meant to give you an Idea of how a money affirmation should look like.

"I enjoy an endless stream of wealth and abundance"

"Success comes easy to me and money flows fast into my life"

"I earn many huge incomes from many different sources"

"I love knowing that everything I want is already paid for"

"Everything I touch turns to gold"

"I work minimum hours every week and receive huge financial rewards"

"I am efficient and business comes naturally to me"

These are only a fraction of the money affirmations you can use to enhance your financial state. I would also advise finding a system that feels comfortable to you. This can truly be a life changing experience if you put some practice into it.

Want to learn how to create the abundance and wealth you always wanted with money affirmations? Click Here and start earning your dream salary today.


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