
We have affirmations all the time

Do you know what everyone is affirming unknowingly on a superficial level everyday? Let me give you an example. My niece, who is just starting in the workforce, recently got a new cellphone, an iPhone 3GS to be exact, just like everyone else. No big deal, you may think, I have one of this phone too.

But looking at finer details, you will see she has practised affirmations for months before finally getting this wonderful tech toy. Since iPhone was released, she had been eyeing on one but she just lacks the budget. Being a highly independent girl, she resisted the chance of her parents buying her one for birthday present as she decided to get one with her own effort. Finally last week, she got her dream toy, at a good discounted price, when she got her savings and paycheck. Next, she wants to get her first car. I am sure can she do it.

Spiritual Affirmations - Dream VacationThis is affirmation at an elementary level. We do it all the time, everyday. If we already thought of something wanted to be done, then continuing thinking about it will likely happen.

In short, affirmation is that situation where you are creating something in your belief and instilling it to yourself will surely take place. It is that strong feeling in you that piles up in your subconscious mind that you want something to happened or wanting a certain thing.

It works all the time for me. Simple things which are within your reach can be realised easily through daily affirmations. More ambitious affirmations like getting a dream house may take you longer time to affirm and visualize. When that thing or event happens, then you have your affirmation just granted.

Affirmation is that state created in your subliminal mind or subconscious mind that you have the desire of doing or creating something. Once you have mastered that self control, then you can create your own spiritual affirmation for your own benefit.


Spiritual Healing for Your Inner Soul

Often, people use a violet frame while they are carrying out their daily spiritual affirmations routine to kicktstart their days in the morning.

You can use affirmations that begin with "I am...." which is what most people who affirm do. This shows close and personal touch to your own inner soul. Please also note that when we say "I am", it really means that "God be with me" or "God is with me".

Through in creative visualization and meditation, you could be experience a hell of a strong spiritual transformation in your life. These two new age spiritual techniques enhance your affirmative thoughts and heal your inner emotional turmoils spiritually.

Examples of new age spiritual healing affirmations, "Creative energy flows through me constantly. I am always creating
my highest good", "I breathe in deeply and feel the joy allowing it to radiate from my heart", or "I am open and receptive to happiness".

Spiritual Healing for Your Inner Soul


Healing by Spiritual Affirmations

Hi to any readers who may stumble to my humble blog about spiritual affirmations, do check out this Facebook page, Paramhansa Yogananda: Healing by Spiritual Affirmation. Lots of timeless wisdoms about positive spiritual affirmations, spiritual healing, spiritual journey and spiritual living.

I particularly like this paragraph, "If you are angry and affirm with anger in your heart, "I am peace, I am peace," your parroting peace will mean nothing, but instead you will develop more anger. If you affirm, "I am rich," with a belief that you will never be rich, you will remain poor. Your negative thoughts will keep you paralyzed, impotent, and unable to initiate the right modus operandi which will yield you the desired result."

How true that is! Lots of us have that unfulfilled desire that entrenched deep inside us. Lots of us are like walking zombies waiting for that "breakthrough" in life...and that will never happen, because we are projecting a wrong affirmations unconsciously.


Life is beautiful!

Well, I tried to look for some videos about spiritual positive affirmations at Youtube and this one caught my eye. Simple, direct and with a nice track. Just to share with you guys and gals.


Using Affirmations For Success - The Powerful Missing Secret to Writing Positive Affirmations

Have you used affirmations before with little or no success? Do you get frustrated because you seem to be doing everything right, yet your results seem lukewarm? Did you know that many people have been taught to simply write out a list of powerful affirmations, repeat them morning noon and night and hope transformation occurs?

Whilst this approach may work work for some, many give up simply because they kind of feel silly, especially if they don't believe what they are telling themselves.

In this article we're going to share with you the reason why your affirmations are not working and what you can do about it. Let's start with a simple truth; you have a conflict of interests.


A Shot of Self Belief

Have a firm belief in yourself is the most powerful gift one can reward oneself. This is the best accolade one can be appraised; this person has firm self belief.

In spiritual affirmation studies, self doubt is a highly negative word that brings a person down and out. You should trust in yourself and you don't have be afraid of taking responsibilities. Taking responsibilities make you grow up and be a planner or thicker. This brings you to the next level of life in the real world.

Be confident that whatever happens you will be able to push yourself up and focus on the things that need to be done because you're a winner and don't allow anyone to make you think differently.

If you have a positive outlook you will know how to channel your talents to fulfilling goals so that you will always have something to fall back on.

Always believe in yourself because you're the only one who can make yourself a winner. Conjure the power of the universe to give you what you desire by using the secret of visualization and spiritual affirmation. You can do it because you are more than you think you are and you deserve more in life.


Do you want to be a Winner or Loser?

Many spiritual gurus around the world of different socio backgrounds have come to a common conclusion. That lack of confidence and mental depression are the two main reasons for failure in life. Yes, in this relentless world, the less fitter can be pushed aside cruelly really fast!

So, do you want to be a winner or a loser?

To be a winner, you need to equip yourself with survival "tools" of all sorts. One of these tools is "Affirmation" - a simple but powerful way to strengthen your personal belief and confidence.

I think we do affirm ourselves often without even knowing it. For example, "I want to go to Japan one day", "I want to buy that latest LED TV by this year end", or "I want to get that girl!". These are affirmations that you give yourself in your daily life. To me, these are "level 1" affirmations which focus on needs in your life.

Most people go around most of their lives thinking about negative things. If you think that you are not a confident person repeatedly, it will turn into a belief and habit. This is what you HAVE TO prevent, otherwise, your life will spiral downwards if not curbed.

Here are what I mean of "level 2" affirmations that focus on your subconscious, psychic and spiritual aspects of your powerfully immense brain:
  • I do not allow other people's behavior to affect my action.
  • I mix ONLY with those who want to positively improve their lives.
  • I set clear goals within my ability to achieve and will not quit until I get it..
  • Others have made a six figure income...so can I.
  • I am wonderfully made by God the Creator.
  • I have all I need to succeed.
  • I walk in divine health.
  • Everything I touch is blessed.
  • I enjoy the present moment.
  • This is the best day of my life!
  • I cherish my family and people I love.
Do and repeat it as many times as you can. When it has run out, devise new ones that fit your life situation. Soon, you will be brainwashed, in a right positive way. Life will change surely.


Keep recharging your Spiritual Affirmations and Energy

Spiritual Affirmations MusicPhysically, our bodies and minds have highs and lows throughout the woken hours. Spiritually, there are also ebbs and tides when we feel blocked and drained. Negative energies are accumulating inside us and that make us feel crushed, despondent and unsure. That's is why we need a spiritual "caffeine" to perk us up when we are down spiritually. Or when we require a spiritual recharge.

There is nothing much better than having a spiritual recharge via some meditative music and voice that strengthens your affirmative beliefs. I highly recommend this wonderful CD, "Spiritual Affirmations for Prosperity" from Mary Pitman.
Spiritual Affirmations for Prosperity and Spiritual Affirmations for Health are CDs that meld The Secret with scripture. If it were easy to change your life simply by changing your thoughts, everyone would succeed. We carry learned negative messages stored in our subconscious mind. Rewrite those messages by listening to the CDs as you wake up and fall asleep — when your subconscious is most receptive.
I downloaded the tracks into my iPod and I listen to these tracks according different times of the day. Repeated a few times, your spiritual affirmations on yourself will be stronger with each day!

Draw out your Inner Guide or Inner Self

Meditation - what does this word remind you of?

I think this world is getting more and more uncertain. You won't know what's after that bend down the path. As a result, we may become more and more stressed. Uncertainties in financial markets, airline safety, careers, social harmony and many aspects of our life. Even the food we eat, is it safe?

It is no wonder that we just cannot have peace to draw our inner guide or inner self out to show us the way and play with us. The natural psychic powers and abilities in us have been totally blunted as a result. That's why I feel there is a need to learn to relax spiritually at the appropriate time.

Yes, through meditation.

It said that by meditating and saying affirmations to yourself constantly, you can recharge your down trodden battery which has been suffering from beatings as we struggle through the pace of modern life.

By meditating and adding affirmations to your life you can not only recharge your batteries, but also attract love, a better job, boost your confidence, or simply let go of stress so you're more open to messages from the universe.


Daily Positive Affirmations

Here are 10 powerful and positive daily affirmations that you should spend some time thinking about:

1. You are the creator of your Universe. You can manifest anything. There are no limits to what you can achieve.

2. Blessed are those who have no expectations, for they will never be disappointed.

3. What you think habitually can be achieved realistically.

4. Health, happiness, love and money are infinite.

5. Both wealth and poverty is a product of thought.

6. The fastest way to become wealthy is to find ways to provide value to others.
7. Prosperity is your birthright.

8. Your income and prosperity will reflect the way you think.

9. We were all born with the equal right to become equal.

10. True prosperity only comes to those who seek it.

These positive daily affirmations contains the secret to an abundant life and all you need to do is open your eyes and see that if you seek the wisdom to achieve success, then you will have no choice but to achieve it, as long as you use that knowledge you have found.

With increased wisdom you will have increased wealth, health and prosperity.


A Nice Song Called "Affirmation ".

How To Make More Money Through Spiritual Affirmation

A few years ago, a young bank cashier asked Maria Duval, a famous clairvoyant, "How can I get more money? How can I get to do things I want to do?"

She answered him with a simple explanation, telling him that his habitual thoughts were ingrained in his subconscious mind and that if he steered his thoughts and inner dialogue in the right direction, he could have all the money he needed.

Inner dialogue is responsible for everything happening in our lives. Stop and think about this scenario now. How would you act, react or speak if you already had all the money that you want? This young bank cashier replied to Maria Duval that he would buy a beautiful home for his family and a boat so that he would travel round the world and then he would study political economy at a good university.

What was later suggested to this young man was that he should speak to himself in the following manner:

Affirmations For Reprogramming Your Mind!

If you want changes in your life you have to get out of your comfort zone by thinking and doing things in new ways. As human beings we are habitual. Science claim that almost 98% of all we do and think is out of habit! So to make changes in life, you will have to create new habits!

In the beginning it will take some persistence and determination. Your brain must, by repetition after repetition create new neurological pathways, and not until that has happened, you have got yourself a new habit that feels natural and comfortable.


Money Affirmations - Examples and Guide

Money affirmations are probably the most popular positive affirmations there are. Everyone wants to know how to make more money. The interesting thing with affirmations is that you need to know how to practice them effectively, before you can start seeing any real results.

Ninety percent of people who use affirmations have no idea how to really use them, but it is really simple process once you practice it correctly for a while.

How to use affirmations for money:

Here is a five step guide that you can use to work on your affirmations

Step 1: there is a reason why you are not earning the amount of money you want. To figure out what money affirmations will suite you best, I advise first to make a list of all the financial things that bother you. To know where you are going, you have to understand where you are right now, it is the only way to see your progress as you go along.