
Spiritual Healing for Your Inner Soul

Often, people use a violet frame while they are carrying out their daily spiritual affirmations routine to kicktstart their days in the morning.

You can use affirmations that begin with "I am...." which is what most people who affirm do. This shows close and personal touch to your own inner soul. Please also note that when we say "I am", it really means that "God be with me" or "God is with me".

Through in creative visualization and meditation, you could be experience a hell of a strong spiritual transformation in your life. These two new age spiritual techniques enhance your affirmative thoughts and heal your inner emotional turmoils spiritually.

Examples of new age spiritual healing affirmations, "Creative energy flows through me constantly. I am always creating
my highest good", "I breathe in deeply and feel the joy allowing it to radiate from my heart", or "I am open and receptive to happiness".

Spiritual Healing for Your Inner Soul


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  2. The positive outlook is encouraging. My outlook on life used to be pretty negative and sour, but then I received Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior and everything changed. The emptiness and bitterness I felt before was gone and it was replaced by peace and joy. Thank God for His gift of life through Jesus Christ. God Bless
