
The Power of Spiritual Affirmations

Positive affirmations can help us in all areas of our lives - whether we want to earn more money, become more effective, improve our relationships or develop new habits. Using the power of affirmations we can discover how to feed our minds with positive statements that will counteract the negative programming we receive day in day out from our environment.

We get what we think about most of time. Our inner conversations, thoughts and feelings determine the kind of life and reality we experience. It is not what life throws at us which determines what sort of life we live. It's our thoughts and attitudes and the way we deal with events which determines whether we have a happy, prosperous life or not.


Don't Be Afraid of Saying Yes

So during an interview the other day, my partner offered a candidate a cup of tea and the candidate accepted. It's funny but seeing something this simple was kind of shocking to me. I guess the problem is, I'm in a mindset where I don't like to cause work for other people. I'd rather turn down their offer of something I want, than impose upon them in the slightest.

It's reminiscent of a book I read, "15 Minutes in Heaven" or something along those lines. In the book, the narrator talked about how he got in a devastating car accident and was completely crippled in the hospital. Despite being a person who devoted his life to helping others and seeking to serve them, the man was incapable of accepting other peoples invitations to do friendly gestures for him and to allow them to help himself. When someone would offer him a book or a drink or anything, he would immediately turn them down.

Finally, a visiting friend looked at the man and said "Listen, these people are offering their help to you because they want to help you. You are being selfish by refusing their help and by believing you can do everything on your own."


Why Your Spiritual Affirmations Don't Work

Have you failed at using affirmations? The reason doesn't lie in the number of affirmations which you state but the feeling behind the statements. The emotions are the great attracting or repelling force of your life. According to the law of attraction if you feel happy you attract good things. Feel lousy and you attract lousy things. Life is a mirror of your predominant vibration.

To make an affirmation work feel that it's true. To feel its truth you must be free of any deep negative emotions which you might have harbored over a period of years. Affirm until the cows come home that "I am wealth, I am abundance, I am a millionaire" but if you have negative ideas about money firmly lodged in your subconscious mind money won't flow to you freely.