
Positive Affirmations to Be More Confident

Positive affirmations can really help you in your quest for personal development. There are many ways in which they can help whether that be weight loss, law of attraction, making money, playing better golf and in this case in becoming more confident.

Affirmations need to be used on a regular basis over a period of time so that the mine gets instilled with the information that you feed it and comes to believe it. Affirmations can be done either verbally to the conscious mind or subliminally to the subconscious mind. As the subconscious mind can soak up around 10 times as much as the conscious mind this could be a great way to soak up even more information. In addition to that if you listen to the affirmations subliminally your conscious mind cannot sabotage your thoughts.

The affirmations should be said in the present tense as if you have already achieved that level of confidence that you are seeking.


Daily Affirmations For Creating Financial Success

Spiritual Affirmations are a great way to build self confidence while developing the habit of controlling your thoughts and can be a lot of Fun. Many great thinkers and leaders have said something like "You become what you think about most of the time" So if you are not experiencing your ideal life right now that's ok just change your thoughts and you can change your life.

Say the following out loud while looking at yourself in the mirror every day first thing in the morning and last thing at night before bed for the next 21 days. If you miss one morning or one evening you have to start over from day one.

If you think you have what it takes, I recommend 40 days and 40 nights. You can do this! All people are slaves to their habits. Make sure they are good habits.


Make Spiritual Affirmations Work for You

Positive mindset is one of the greatest assets a person can have. Too many people find themselves fearful and anxious which naturally has a negative effect on their performance, either in the work place or at home. The techniques of positive spiritual affirmation and positive thought are hugely beneficial to those who have not been able to live the life they want due to negativity and fear.

Make Spiritual Affirmations Work for You!

Make Spiritual Affirmations Work for YouTo make your spiritual affirmations more effective, try saying them while looking in the mirror. Looking yourself in the eye can be a powerful way to reaffirm these positive beliefs. Leave little notes stating your affirmations lying around in the home or office, where you can easily find them. These serve as reminders, so the process becomes ongoing, rather than a once-a-week session. Practice these spiritual affirmations with enthusiasm and passion. Alternately, you could even try stringing them into a tune! Our subconscious mind tends to be more receptive to these messages when they are sung or chanted. There are a number of training DVDs available for those who want to begin the process of positive affirmation. Choose one and enjoy the benefits of enhanced self-esteem and increased energy that spiritual affirmations can bring in to your life.


Want To Make Your Affirmations Work?

Everything we think is basically an affirmation. Whether it's negative or positive, every thought becomes an affirmation. All of our self talk is affirming what we believe to be true. Often these beliefs were formed when we were children. These can often cause us problems because they are no longer appropriate. So to change an unwanted behavior or belief we need to change the negative to a positive.

To do that you need to think about what it is you want to change. Positive affirmations can be anything one might desire; from health to joy to prosperity and beyond. Whatever you desire, it is possible to have and affirmations are a means to that end. When you know what those things are, make a list of the most important. Now you are ready to write a positive affirmation.



Prosperity Affirmations To Attain Abundance

What really are affirmations and how prosperity affirmations could help us in achieving the state that we desire?

And why do we hear so much about those highly successful individuals who yield in prosperity affirmations each day? So what is the big secret regarding all that?

And is it true that those positive affirmations could truly make people wealthy and attain financial independence and freedom? But before we even answer those questions above, let's take a look at what is the true definition of prosperity. Prosperity could give various meanings for different individuals; some people might see it as an emotional and spiritual enlightenment, while other people may view prosperity in financial or monetary terms.

Prosperity Affirmations To Attain AbundanceActually, it all boils down to an individual's each interpretation of what opulence really means to him/her. Then we can safely say that it is a distinct and unique experience in one's mind hence anybody could have a fair chance of attaining it regardless of their level of income or status in life. Affirmations are declared out loud or they can be written in positive phrases or sentences which described a desired condition and when repeated numerous times, it could activate us into acting positively. But it would only enable us to lead into particular actions which would direct us to our desired results.


Create Achievable Goals Through Spiritual Affirmations

At the recent Winter Olympics, I watched with awe how competitive and how fair-spirited they were as they did they best to bring glories to their countries and themselves. Gold is the ultimate aim for every aspiring Olympiad. Behind the accolades an athlete receives when he or she gets the gold, in goes years of intensive physical training and mental affirmative cultivations to achieve this goal.

What would "go for the gold" mean to you? What are your goals? Do you want a better job, more money, a partner? Are you looking to lose weight, get healthier or are you just looking to be happy? You can create a positive spiritual affirmation to help you achieve these goals. Start by making a list of every goal you wish to accomplish. Now list them in order of importance. Start with the first goal and create a positive affirmation.

For example, if you goal is to lose weight, you need to paint Affirmations - winter olympicsthis goal succinctly in your brain. Next you should break it down into doable steps with intermediate goals that are highly achievable by you. Like you want to lose 2kg in 15 days which is achievable compared to lose 2kg in 2 days. Doable goals will give you added impetus to dash for the final goal, won't you think so? Through the help of spiritual affirmations, you can sharpen your mind like a ray of light to achieve your immediate goals.

Hence your affirmations could be like, "I eat healthy food every day and now my body feels lighter", or "I am totally relaxed; the Universe is taking care of me".

Follow your action plan or blueprint and embark on the series of actions needed to reach your first goal, then move on to the next one.

Continue creating affirmations for each of your goals, and blend them into your everyday life. Surely, I firmly believe you will win your "Olympic Gold" too!