
Be Positive and Live in the Present and for the Future

This post is not about spiritual affirmations but I feel its very suitable for everyone to know about it - that is to cherish the times we all have in the present and forward looking to the future.

Please do your best to actively want to banish the past! Old pale memories whether great or bad, are best locked in the back of the mind. The past is past. We need to affirm positively so that successes will come to us from now onwards, through the power of our less-than utilized subconscious, which is a wonderful "reserve” of energy. Hence through this mindset, we can make the room by clearing away the fragments of the past, and you will view the future as a beautifully clean sheet that you are already beginning to fill with positive thoughts.

How you see yourself
Don’t underestimate yourself, by believing, for instance: "I don't have the gift to do this duty; I don’t deserve that, etc. By behaving in this way, you will attract bad luck, disappointment, sickness, worry and misery. Concentrate on your qualities which are positive - everyone has some positive traits no matter how - and contemplate how to make the optimum out of them.

How you see others
The law of reciprocality holds true; when you see happiness in others, you will receive the same amount of happiness back on you. If you are not envious of others, then wealth will come your way. Positive thought is innovative and constructive, whereas feelings like envy and envy are negative and harmful . Programme what you want to accomplish into your subliminal. Think and consider with conviction that what you want is already there, even if you are not yet consciously attentive of it with your 5 senses.

By way of your desires, concentrate your thoughts on one goal at a time. Concentrate your energy on attaining it and only concentrate on another of your desires when this first purpose has been achieved.

Jesus said: "Believe that you have received, and you will receive”. As well as applying to material things, this also applies to the acquisition of interior qualities such as determination, generosity and serenity.


4 Traits of a Happy Life

This is what I am going to teach my kid about life basically.

1. Appreciate Life

Feel and be grateful and thankful that you are able to wake up well and sound each morning. I guess you have read of cases where people just go away in their sleep. Life is wonderful and learn to be like your child past. Explore and be inquisitive about life. There are many things we can learn in life each day. Make the most of each day as once it passes, you can't get it back anymore. Be open-minded in a positive way. Don’t sweat the small stuff.

2. Enjoy Life

Spend time out to see the beauty of the world around you. There are beautiful places in our midst for us to discover. Get out of your city and town whenever possible and hit for the woods and mountains. Smell the nature and watch the sunrise with your loved ones. Soak up what Mother Earth is giving us with delight. Also, learn to live in the present moment and cherish it. Don’t live in the past or the future.

3. Optimism

Whatever happens, always think of the positive side. There are always 2 sides to a coin. It's up to you to think which side you want to think about. Practise positive spiritual affirmations so that good things will come into your life in time.

4. Responsibility

Everyone is fully responsible for his or her own life. You cannot blame someone when the course of your life goes astray. Admit mistake when you know you have done wrongly. People will forgive you.


21 Good Advices

I read this. I think the 21 advices here are awesome. Guys, put them into practice as much as you can, for the better of yourself, family and world.

Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.

Marry a man/woman you love to talk to. As you get older, their conversational skills will be as important as any other.

Don't believe all you hear, spend all you have or sleep all you want.

When you say, "I love you," mean it.

When you say, "I'm sorry," look the person in the eye.

Be engaged at least six months before you get married.

Believe in love at first sight.

Never laugh at anyone's dreams. People who don't have dreams don't have much.

Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt but it's the only way to live life completely.

In disagreements, fight fairly. Please No name calling.

Don't judge people by their relatives.

Talk slowly but think quickly.

When someone asks you a question you don't want to answer, smile and ask, "Why do you want to know?"

Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk.

Say "bless you" when you hear someone sneeze.

When you lose, don't lose the lesson.

Remember the three R's:
Respect for self;
Respect for others;
Responsibility for all your actions.

Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship.

When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.

Smile when picking up the phone. The caller will hear it in your voice.

Spend some time alone.

From https://www.msu.edu/~jerrymc/humor/advice.html


Lets Affirm for Love

You deserve LOVE.

However, before love comes to you, you NEED TO LOVE yourself first.

Here are some love affirmations for your reference ;-)

I love and approve of myself.
  • I express love with courage
  • I always deserve love
  • I am a radiant being filled with light and love.
  • Love comes to me simply and readily.
  • I love and acknowledge myself exactly as I am.
  • I now express love to all those I meet.
  • I am a radiating center of divine love through the Creator
  • Divine love is working through me now.
  • Love radiates from me at all times.
  • I provide and receive love easily and happily.
  • Others love me easily and blissfully.
  • I now feel loved and appreciated by my parents, my friends.
  • As I offer love, I am straight away supplied with more.
  • I radiate love to all persons and places and things.
  • People are just waiting to love me, and I allow them.
  • I attract loving, beautiful and positive people into my life.
  • I am attracting loving relationships into my life.
  • I project love to everyone I meet.
With lots of Love :-)


2 Affirmations Coming True

Guys, it has been coming to 2 months since my last blog post. Normally I blog whenever there is some time in the office hours or during lunch break time, however, it has been pretty hectic recently, project taking rate is going up, more orders from clients locally and internationally. Yes, it reflects gradual improvement in our national economy, and as what I have been positively affirming, I do have a stable and fulfilling day job, so much so that my focus is away from blogging for now.

However, I'm not going to throw away the hardwork and toils of sweat put into this spiritual affirmation blog, and I will find time as much as I can because traffic has been picking up consistently a lot last 1 year, again, manifesting another one of my positive affirmations, which is to make sure there is a consistent flow of traffic from natural search.

Last but not least, guys, keep your wonderful comments coming in. This is a do-follow blog remember.

All the best!


4 Tips For Writing Positive Affirmations

One of the best ways to strengthen your belief for positive spiritual affirmations is to write them down, as many times as you can. The brain registers your idea better when you write them! That moment spent to write affirmations down can be considered truly well spent as subsconsciously, you know your desire to be better is becoing stronger and firmer. Anything in life can be affirmed, from money, wealth, health, family and career.

How to effectively write your affirmations?

1. Just like you are doing a list for grocery shopping, you should make a list for your affirmations too. What you want and what you don't want in life. Yes, the don'ts are easier, don't you think so?

2. Write them in present tense with strong emotive words that is impactful too. Just like, "I am always so appreciate and grateful that I have a happy family", "I am happy for my well-trained body" or "I am so happy have the endless adundance of money in my life".

3. Write your positive affirmations daily. This explains itself.

4. Write your affirmations in positive tone. Means don't use words like "I am not sure if....", "I cannot be that ....... anymore", "I don't think I am that bad for.......".

Do continuously go through your affirmation list and drop those which are no longer relevant or useful anymore. You can scribble or cancel them off. The happiest moments come when your desires have come true, and you can excitedly erase them away from your list. It is like taking a look at the building blocks of your subconscious and changing it as and when need.

Yes, I have a lot of personal successes with this writing method. Affirmations have turned out true for me. The law of attractions work miraculously close with your spiritual affirmations. They are the wondrous pair to me!


Spiritual Affirmation Blog "Do Follow"

I have decided to make Spiritual Affirmation Blog a "do follow", which is a movement I fully support. Feel free to place your relevant comments here and you will receive a link back to your site/blog. However, please let us respect each other, no links of porn, drugs, casino, gambling and vice-related websites.

Also pleased to announce that this blog is ranked very well at Google and you will receive a fair share of exposure if your comments are highly constructive and valuable pertaining to topics regarding positive or spiritual affirmations. I welcome great accounts or stories of your affirmation journey too :)

Have a great time,

Trev. C
Spiritual Affirmation Blog


The Significance Of Positive Affirmations

People all the time pose me this question. "Why is there a need for us to affirm?"

One more question is. "Are we what we're from what we ponder?"

The response could be very obvious. Affirmation is a highly dominant mental practice to change oneself. It strengthens your subconscious which consequently propels you to behave in respect to what you've affirmed. Every person should affirm - on the positive side obviously - and can be highly spirited to conduct whichever difficult assignment. Affirmation instils faith and confidence in an individual!

Therefore, to appreciate again, affirmation is just a declaration prepared by an individual, about something or concerning a condition of a being. You'll be able to keep your self strong in thoughts, spirit and body through powerful affirmations.

It is advisable to repeat your affirmations, if you want them to be useful. Repetition at all times forces positively the intuitive of people and helps them out enormously in acting out their affirmation. The creator of the affirmations must be really conversant in the words they are using as this is essential in actualizing the affirmations. You can draft affirmations in easy words which you suppose are familiar to you.

Only creating an affirmation and repeating it over and over can't be useful. The main point is to live one's affirmation and to be open-minded to practically do the issues that will help the affirmation develop into a truth. You can manifest the affirmation only if you are feeling it and applying it to your life.

Affirmation doesn't only make a being better, it could additionally enhance another particular person's worth. In case you are affirming your friend's existence, you are indirectly helping them improve their significance.


Something about New Year Affirmations

In New Year affirmations, think about the bigger questions of life: God, creation, existence, demise and etc. Is life pre-decided? Is there an afterlife? What's the aim of life? Is rat race for success something we should all go for?

Where is the place of harmony, well-being, family and buddies in our life? You need not be or become a philosopher; however do provide these questions some thoughts.

When you are looking forward to the of 2011 with hope and future, cast a look at your previous year also. How has your life been? What are your accomplishments and setbacks? What are your regrets? How was the previous year? Did you achieve your resolutions you set? If yes, to what level? If not, why?

Given one other likelihood, how would you plan and live the previous year. Have a mental picture of the future. How would you like to see yourself at the end of this year or thereafter? Base your affirmations on this analysis.

When we are writing our resolutions or affirmations, make sure that you see that your list of affirmations meets this 6-point criteria.

1. Positive - Yes, no destructive phrases shall be used.

2. Believable - Yes, until a medical situation prevents the walk.

3. Present tense - Sure, no future or previous tense to be used. Emphasize the NOW.

4. Easy - Yes, a single sentence that is very specific.

5. Measurable - Yes, on a frequent basis - in terms of time you are comfortable of.

6. Reward - Yes, look and feel the best.

What we simply mention doesn't happen overnight, however with constant positive input to the subconscious mind, anyone can do it. Do not underestimate the energy of the subconscious intelligence.


Positive Affirmations - In Control Of Own Life

Hope all of you have a great time celebrating the arrival of 2011! :)

Yes, new year, new time and new optimism for many people. Here is the first post of 2011 for this blog. Thanks for reading it.

I learn about "positive affirmations" a few years in the past when I read Louise Hay's book "Heal Your Life". This book has positive affirmations for healing. I purchased this book in my restless 80's, and I have it covered many times since the day I picked it up from a bookshop. I actually believe that we can completely change our outlook on life, by saying affirmations to ourselves. I listened to meditation tapes and I also penned out affirmations.

My background was chaotic, and I suffered pains after pains when I was young. In order to "survive", I had to shut down quite a lot of my feelings, and carry a large burden of pain and anger inside. By listening to positive affirmation audios, and reading positive literature, I began to understand that by changing our thoughts, we are able to change our reality. I realized that I had no control over situations that happened with my family as a child, but as an adult, I realized that I had "management" over my "thoughts."

There are a number of spiritual philosophy's that consider that we are 100% answerable for everything that occurs in our life. It took me years to understand that this was true.

In the beginning, I was flabbergasted? I can't write out a whole bunch of positive affirmations each week. But I complained that my hand hurt from writing! However, deep down, I understood that they were trying to get me to "refocus" my thoughts. If I spent many years in a pessimistic household environment, or detrimental work environment, it was going to acquire many years for me to refocus these thoughts. With positive affirmations, it gave me the self-belief to think that I actually did deserve a great life. The other factor that grew to become plain was that I had the energy to create my own realism. I could create something I would like, and I was putting the energy again into my own hands. No longer, was I feeling a victim of circumstances, or anger with my own helplessness.

By using positive affirmations, I began to really feel powerful. I started to feel for the first time in my life, that I was in the coach of my own life. In short, this is freedom of life!